My comment they were replying to didn’t touch this, so they weren’t responding to that. However, I disagree we need some “killer app” to make adoption more likely. It’d be great, but I don’t see it happening. There’s nothing really that is done in VR that can’t also be on traditional displays. The advantage is immersion. It just has to be at a price that people find worth it.
People, especially companies, don’t like talking about this because it’s “obscene” or something, but, like so many things, I think porn is the way to sell VR. It gives an experience that, while still available in traditional formats, is quite different. It’s not a “killer app” but does provide distinct advantages not seen anywhere else.
Thank you. Also, kind of fair, but the library probably needs to be bigger before people are willing to adopt too.
I always kind of thought a good desktop system, where wearing the headset is cheaper than getting a new larger monitor or more monitors, but the long term comfort of wearing a headset instead kills that idea pretty strongly right now. Even just a theater experience is kinda meh.
Porn does tend to sell technological advances though.